Jean Labre (photos M. Vicent-Roubert)All the Harmonicas
of the World ...
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An Harmonica in The Paris Garnier Opéra
For the first time in its long history, Paris Opera Garnier has welcomed a musical instrument born as itself in the 19th Century : the Harmonica of Antoine Leroux, very talented harmonica player.
This event took place from March 7th to April 1st. Twelve performances during wich Antoine has played Tchaïkovski's « Waltz of the Flowers »,from Nutcracker Ballet, Antoine Leroux himself evolving on stage among the dancers of this prestigious Opera House.
A world premiere in this Opera Garnier, a historical monument as the Carnegie Hall in New York, classified Historic Landmark,in wich Larry Adler and Buddy Green obtained a triumphal success, without forgetting Claude Garden at Boston with the « Boston Pop Orchestra ».
It was the same for Antoine Leroux, complimented at the end of the last performance by the Opera Director and the artistic director.
Such prestigious places contribute to put on the front our instrument for the general public.
It can't be said now that our instrument did not collect its credentials... Finished with the ugly duckling contempt...
The Opera Garnier... The « Holy Grail » !

I have been waiting for it a very long time.

Jean Labre

The harmonica in its present form is born in Germany in 1821, invented by Christian Friedrich Buschmann. But do not forget that its free reeds ancestor, the sheng, is born in China 4500 years ago, invented under the reign of Emperor Huangdi. Later on It will be followed, in the seventh century AD, by the japanese shö. Harmonica, sheng and shö are identical in design, based on the free reeds principle blow-inspire. It's the only instrument in the world offering this possibility.
Published June 10th 2016


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